Monthly Subscriptions
The Monthly Subscription fee charges are non-refundable, and there are no refunds or credits for partially used subscription periods.
Monthly plans auto-renew every month and do not cancel if you uninstall the Supliful app or disconnect your store. You must cancel your subscription before it renews each month/year in order to avoid billing for the next subscription period. After cancellation, you will continue to have access to the discounts throughout the end of your billing cycle.
You can cancel the subscription plan at any time, and it will stay active until the end of the billing cycle. Please find step-by-step instructions on how to cancel the subscription here.
Brand Accelerator Program
Brand Accelerator is refundable within 2 weeks after purchase. After your purchase, you have 14 days to ensure the Brand Accelerator is valuable to you. If you're not completely satisfied and don't find value in it, we will refund your payment.
Please get in touch with our Team at [email protected] for eligibility for a refund.
Essential Branding Kit and Complete Brand Style Guide
The Essential Branding Kit and Complete Brand Style Guide are refundable within 24 hours after purchase or until the first draft is completed.
If you wish to cancel this service, please contact our Customer Support Team by emailing [email protected].
Shopify Store Design Services
The Shopify Store Design Service can only be refunded within 14 days after purchase or before the store ownership is transferred to you. Afterward, the service is considered provided, and no refunds are applicable.
If you wish to cancel this service, please contact our Customer Support Team by emailing [email protected].
Label Design Services
The Label Design services can only be refunded within 24 hours after purchase or until the first draft is completed.
If you wish to cancel this service, please immediately contact our Customer Support Team by emailing [email protected].
After the first draft is created, or 24 hours have passed, it is not possible to receive a refund for the services.
Supliful Roadmap
If you find the Supliful Roadmap course content unsatisfactory, you have the option to request a full refund within the first 14 days after purchase.
If you wish to cancel this service, please contact our Customer Support Team by emailing [email protected].
You can find more information in our Terms of Use (Section G) here.